When school supply sales mean long lines full of teachers and families at Staples. The spending of meager teacher's choice money has already begun...
Thinking about starting over with rules and procedures and pumping kids (and me) up for the year is so overwhelming when all I've done all summer has been grad school. 2 more weeks...
I'll have a 3 day break between the end of classes and the start of school....ugh...
I'm excited to see my kids - excited for the year that lays ahead, for the growth that will happen and the relationships that will be formed, but mostly I'm just excited to be on the other end of learning for a while :)
when are those great sales? i keep hearing about them!!
My name is Rebecca Payne. I'm a doctoral student at the University of Tennessee working on my dissertation on beginning teachers who blog. I'd like to talk to you about your experiences. Please email me directly at rpayne7@utk.edu for more information. I'm happy to answer any questions you might have.
Thank you,
Rebecca Payne
I just discovered your blog and I have been re-inspired by reading some of your entries. I teach junior-high kids, some of whom came to mind as I read your blog. I wish you a wonderful, blessed year full of accomplishments, both big and small. You are an asset to our profession! This will be my 4th year, and I hope to have the same passion that you have each day this year.
Thanks for sharing your experiences!
I never EVER leave comments on blogs. But I have to leave one on yours. I am a senior in college, hoping to become an urban special ed teacher. I want to work with kids who have moderate learning disabilities. I have read most of your blog (back entries, etc.) in the past day and I am inspired, excited, and feel like what my ideal job is, is possible. I love hearing about your terrible days and the worst things you're going through, and smile when you write about that "ah-ha" moment being reached. So, thank you, and keep doing what you are doing!
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