Monday, October 20, 2008

Data Day

Our kids took school made standardized tests in both reading and math last week and we spent all of today (7:15 - 6) analyzing the data in grades and as a school. We made data driven plans, formed intervention groups, and talked about trends we were noticing and how to continue the great ones and stop the not so great ones.
Tomorrow is data day 2 - more planning and looking at numbers and standards and tests and discussing these tests that we now all have memorized.
And this is reason #131 why I came to this school. This is great instruction.
My old school has most of this stuff on file, too - the only difference is that most of it is contrived for the purpose of the quality review and then never used - by anyone. Here, it's used - breathed.
I am part of a great school.
A passionate school.
A nurturing school.
And I work 15 hour days at least 4 days a week, plus take work home on the weekends.
I don't remember the last time I got 8 hours of sleep.
It's challenging for the right reasons. We fight the right battles....but sometimes the exhaustion gets the best of me and I can't help but want to just come home, make dinner, and lay on the couch with the Boy.


Julie said...

So nice to read an update on your new school year. I wish I could package up some squash soup and ship it to you:)

You're doing good work dear.

Julie said...

My mom DID send us a bunch of squash from my dad's garden :) And a pumpkin picked by Aaliyah.

Not the same as Julie's squash soup, I'm sure...I'll just have to come visit you for that!

Angela Watson said...

Ah, using data to drive instruction. Novel concept in MY old school, too. Isn't it great to be in a place where your hard work actually pays off?